Here's a bunch of photos from last night and today (in chronological order). **Now with captions**
Rachel relaxing a bit after we made it to the hospital without the umbilical cord prolapsing, but nervous about the upcoming c-section.

I sat in the recovery room before the surgery, looking at that door and waiting for them to call me in after they were all prepped for the surgery.

Rachel was in pretty good spirits during the process. I sat on the "head" side of the curtain.

The baby came out, with a few small cries.

Rachel was amazed and relieved to hear the little voice.

The nurses standing by took care of her quickly.

Rachel gazing at our new baby.

Bundled up like an arctic adventurer in the recovery room.

Her first chance to hold the baby.

Little Emily Claire.

Grandpa Smith gets to hold Emily for the first time in the postpartum room.

Rachel resting in the room.

Ordering her meals for the next day, probably.

Emily all wrapped up in the hospital "bassinet" thing. She had to travel in this heavy, wheeled piece of furniture when we took her out of the room. For security reasons, I guess.