Karissa petting oversized potbelly pig in the petting zoo at Bear World
And last but not least, Karissa is learning to write her name.
Friday, July 28, 2006
My guitar! Isn't it pretty? ( details on the head)
I just love it.
I've been playing it as much as I can since we brought it home yesterday.
What a generous and thoughtful husband I've got.
Our campfire this past weekend.
Chris managed to rig up the stick contraption to hold our pot above the fire.
We had corned beef hash (my first time) and eggs for breakfast.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Dad at 3 years old. Dad in 3rd grade.
This is the picture that he thinks
makes him look like Alfalfa from
the Little Rascals.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Hey everybody! I'm excited about being 25 years old on Thursday! Aren't I adorable!!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
This was taken when Mom and Dad were up here
early this spring. The lupine grows wild in the fields in
Bonners Ferry and Sandpoint. It's just gorgeous.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Here's a picture of Dad when he was a baby. Such a cute little boy!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Mom gave Dad a keyboard for his 54th birthday. He played several songs for us. Karissa jumped for joy! She watched her grandpa attentively. The classy keyboard. The famous one-handed photo shoot.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
These are just some random photos that were taken while Kari and I were home for the wedding. Hope that the site can handle it... :)
An update on our grass. These photos are from this morning, one week and one day after seeding. It seems to be doing pretty well so far, with not a lot of weeds overall. We're supposed to be able to mow it 3 weeks after seeding, which is two weeks from today.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
We went to Sun Valley last weekend to get some relaxation after finally getting our backyard seeded. It was wonderful! We walked around Sun Valley and Ketchum and discovered some friendly Belgian horses (we think) that loved getting attention. On Saturday night we went to the outdoor ice show, which ended up being very impressive. Some of the stunts the skaters perform are extremely frightening in person-especially the backflips and the one where the guy swings the girl around by her feet and her head almost hits the ice (you can tell we know our technical skating terms).
Sunday, July 09, 2006
An interesting thing happened on Friday. I was doing laundry -- taking the wet clothes out of the washer when I heard something metal rattling in the bottom of the tub. I saw what I thought was a wire and reached down and wiggled it loose from the hole from where it was stuck. It looked like a piece of twisted wire, but when I turned it over, I discovered that it was the piece of Kari's engagement ring that had come loose and gotten lost the day of the wedding, June 17th. How it made it to the washer I don't know. We'd all assumed that it was gone forever. The store has ordered a new one because it was under warranty. To me it's a symbol that however lost you think you are, God knows where you are and will find you and rescue you. (I know this isn't a very good picture of the ring.)
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
An abstract painting by Karissa. I think it's a landscape, but I couldn't say for sure.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Pictures of Greg & Kari's wedding on June 17, 2006.